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Напишите на : меня зовут оля. мне 18 лет. у меня была большая семья, сейчас я живу с мамой. школу я закончила в 2013 году. и уже являюсь студенткой 1 курса в педагогическом институте. учусь на учителя биологии- . мои интересы разнообразны люблю рисовать. петь, но пою в тайне пока никто не слышит. друзей у меня не много, но зато я в них уверена. раньше я занималась плаваньем. дома у меня живет еще кошка зовут ее нюся, она пушистая и игривая, я ее люблю.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My name is olga. me18. i had a big family, now i live with my mom. i finished school in2013. i am a student and have 1course at the pedagogical institute. am a teacher of biology-chemistry. my interests are varied love to draw.sing, but i sing in secret while nobodyhears. friends i have not much, but i have confidence in them. i used to doswimming. at home i still live cat niusia her name, she is very fluffy and playful, i love her very much.

My name is olga. me18. i had a big family, now i live with my mom. i finished school in2013. i am a student and have 1course at the pedagogical institute. am a teacher of biology-chemistry. my interests are varied love to draw.sing, but i sing in secret while nobodyhears. friends i have not much, but i have confidence in them. i used to doswimming. at home i still live cat niusia her name, she is very fluffy and playful, i love her very much

Ilove my school for many reasons. firstly, only there i learned many interesting and useful things and now school knowledge helps me in my everyday life. secondly, my school were rich in different parties and competitions which made my life funnier. i have found my best friends at school and we  communicate so far.  but there were disadvantiges too. there were bulling in my school. by the way, the food in my school canteen were very awful. despite these, i love my school

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