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Present Perfect Continuous quiz. Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect Continuous Tense. He for 2 years about his trip to Australia. (talk)
He for his book all the morning. (look)
I _ if I couldn't study German a little more. (wonder)
He about his girlfriend all the week. (think)
We about you. (just talk)
I for you for about thirty minutes. (write)
He in that chair all the evening. (sit)
We _ though Texas for 4 years. (travel)
We to the radio all the morning. (listen)
_ for the bus for half an hour. (wait)​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

He has been talking for 2 years about his trip to Australia.

He has been looking for his book all the morning.

I have been wondering if i couldn't study German a little more.

He has been thinking about his girlfriend all the week.

We have been just talking about you.

I have been writing for you for about thirty minutes.

He has been sitting in that chair all the evening.

We have been traveling though Texas for 4 years.

We have been listening to the radio all the morning.

(?) have/has been waiting for the bus for half an hour.


В последнем, т.к. вы не написали существительное в начале, я написала два варианта have/has. Если там было he/she/it то выберите has

AS (глагол to be в времени) может употребляться: 1. Cамостоятельно в качестве смыслового глагола ( I was in London last year. Was Ann in London last week?) 2 В качестве вс глагола, например, в пассивных конструкциях или при образовании Past Continuous. (She was asked. Was she asked? She was dancing. Was she dancing?) В любом случае в вопросе WAS ставится перед подлежащим.

DID в вопросительных предложениях времени употребляется со всеми другими глаголами, за исключением некоторых модальных.

She came at four. Did she come at four? She did it yesterday. Did she do it yesterday?

НО: She could do it yesterday. Could she do it yesterday?      

Перевод соответственно

Где он родился?


Где он был рожден?

Правильны оба варианта, используются в зависимости от контекста и стилистики рассказа.

did это do в времени, 2 форма глагола

do употребляется если мы обрашаемся к кому то, например where do you live

а was это 2 форма глагода be

тут в общем я думаю Was будет

вроде так, если память не изменяет)) давно изучал, в школе еще)


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