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Ответы на вопрос:

The effects good manners have to me are good attitude from people around me and possibility to avoid conflictsThe effects good manners to my friends and family are being respected by me and other people and being sure that nobody will say anything bad about themThe effects good manners have to my school are being sure that this school is the best in my district and being calm that there are great teachers who won't offend their pupilsTh effects good manners have across the world are happy people and absence of wars


Здесь нужно написать какое влияние оказывают хорошие манеры на 1.тебя, 2. на твоих близких, на твою школу и на страны во всем мире

на тебя-хорошее отношение людей к тебе и возможность избегать конфликтов

на близких-они заслуживают твоего уважения и уважения других людей к себе а так же уверенность что никто про них не скажет плохо

на школу-уверенность в том что эта школа лучшая в твоем районе и спокойствие что учителя в этой школе не обидят своих учеников

на мир-счастливые люди и отсутствие войн

1 he was presented with a medal by the queen. 2. we are taught english by mr smith at the courses. 3. the children were told fairy- tales.4. i was prescribed a lot of medicine by the doctor. 5. we will be shown the crown jewels. 6. the invitation will be sent to dick by us.7. the children were left only a few sweets. 8. he has been given the chance by them. 9. i was adviced to visit this exhibition. 10. the pupils were explained a new grammar rule. 11. i was paid a lot of money to do the job. 12. the minister has been given a hearty welcome. 13. bill was lent 5 dollars yesterday. 14. he must be told the truth. 15. all children should be given the best possible education.

1 a medal was presented to him. 2.english is taught to us at the courses. 3. fairy- tales were told to the children. 4. a lot of medicine was prescribed to/for me.5. the crown jewels will be shown to us. 6. dick'll be sent the invitation. 7. only a few sweets were left to the children. 8. the chance   has been given to him. 9. this exhibition was advised to me. 10. a new grammar rule was explained to the pupils. 11. a lot of money was paid to me to do the job. 12. a hearty welcome has been given to the minister. 13. 5 dollars were lent to bill yesterday. 14. the truth must be told to him.15. the best possible education should be given to all children.

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