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1 Do you think English is ... (easy) than Maths? 2 What's ... (bad) subject at school?
3 Are you ... (tall) than your teacher?
4 Who is ... (young) person in your class?
5 Which football club is ... (good), Spartak or
6 What's ... (popular) football team in your
7 Who is ... (intelligent) person in your family?
8 Is your city ... (big) than London?
?. Ask and answer the

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. easier

2. the worst

3. taller

4. the youngest

5. the best

6. the most popular

7. the most intelligent

8. bigger

1. вместо are ставишь aren’t are the student listening? 2. вместо are ставишь aren’t are students completing? 4.вместо are ставишь aren’t are teachers discussing? 5. was на wasn’t was john working at his project?

Популярно: Английский язык