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Выберите правильный предлог движения. Переведите предложения. Предлоги выделяем жирным шрифтом. 1. The spider is crawling ... (along/past) the floor.
2. It’s so hot in here. Let me get ... (into/out of) the room.
3. Put your laptop ... (toward/onto) the table.
4. You should walk ... (around/through) the corner and you’ll see the pharmacy.
5. My ball rolled ... (up/down) the hill and fell into the lake.
6. The lorry is moving ... (onto/along) the road.
7. The plane is going ... (through/onto) the clouds.
8. Sammy is trying to throw his cap ... (past/onto) the garage roof.
9. Nick and Dave jumped ... (into/down) the swimming pool.
10. The horse jumped ... (over/across) the barrier.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i'm reading now-я читаю 2)    i'm walking now-я хожу 3)    i'm writing now-я пишу 4)  dad and me  are fishing   now-я и отец сейчас рыбачим5)  sally  is doing  her homework at the moment- салли сейчас делает 6)  the doctor  is conducting  an operation now- врач сейчас проводит операцию7)  he  is  always  shouting  at me- он всегда на меня орет

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