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This person works in science and does research

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  he was a short, sharp-faced, agreeable chap, then about 22.richards was from some not very good state uni­versity engineering school.  his knowledge was rather poor.

2.he   was surprised to find that panamerica steel was sending them both to the same job.he couldn't imag­ine how he had managed to get this job.

3.  the firm had a contract for the construction of a pri­vate railroad. they had a   job of inspections and routine paper work.

4.  it was easy for the author of that story. it was harder for richards, because he didn't appear to have mastered the use of a slide rule.

5.  when richards asked the author to check his figures he   found his calculations awful. no it didn't annoy richards.

6. he was cunning and he knew what to say. he lied if it needed.

7.as it was mr. prosset was not an engineer and some of his questions, put him at a loss

8. he answered all questions. he said    that   he lied but   mr. prosset  wasn't asking for any information he was going to use and he didn't   want to know these figures and he wouldn't remember  them. but he was going to remember that panamerica steel had a bright young man named richards who could tell him everything, he wanted.

9.  richards   could tell him everything, he wanted.

10. richards was    a bright young man   who could tell him everything, he wanted - just the sort of chap he could use; not like that other fellow who took no interest in his work, couldn't an­swer the simplest question and who was going to be do­ing small-time contracting all his life.

11. richard lied.

12. richards was right.


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