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Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences. A) 1 You relax and watch TV a in the bathroom 2 You cook b in your bedroom 3 You eat your dinner c in the living room / lounge 4 You sleep d in the dining room 5 You have a shower e in the spare room 6 You put up guests f in the kitchen B) 1 What а at home 2 Come in and have tea, actually 3 Would you like lovely house! 4 Black your jackets? 5 These cakes look sit down 6 I’d rather delicious 7 Where’s or white? 8 Make yourselves some coffee 9 Can I take your loo?

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i have got a   big family. in my family 5 people. i have got a dog my dog name is bars. my family is good.


Популярно: Английский язык