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Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple. 1. I (not/belong) to this particu1ar government committee. 2. Hurry! The bus (come).I (not/want) to miss it. 3. Gregory is a vegetarian. He (not/eat) meat. 4. I (1ook) for the manager. I can't find him anywhere. 5. We are successful because we (take) the time to ta1k to our customers. 6. John (deal) with all the enquiries about sales. 7. At the moment we (make) a training video for Siemens. 8. (you/know) what MrBriceson (do)? He is not in his office. 9. I (apply) for a job in the sales department, but I don't know if I will be successful. It (depend) on whether or not they have any vacancies. 10. Unemployment (fa1l) and is now down to 5.6%. 11. Jane is doing some research in the library. She needs it for a book she (write). 12. While Anna is away on holidays, Matt (work) in her office. 13. He (teach) French and German at University and (learn) Greek. 14. There (be)two flights to Honduras this afternoon. The British Airways flight (1eave) at 13:00 and (arrive) at 22:00. 15. Inflation (rise) at a rate of 2% per annum. C: Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1. She a1ways (remember) my birthday. 2. Mr Brown (work) in a supermarket. 3. I (work) in this factory until I find a better job. 4. Look! It (snow). 5. Can you hear those girls? What (they/ta1k) about? 6. (you/know) Helen? 7. We (never/go) to work by tube. It is too busy. 8. When I'm in Paris I (usually/stay) in the Hotel du Pont, but this time I (stay) in the more expensive Hotel Notre Dame. 9. Ruth (be) a vegetarian. She (not/eat) meat or fish. 10. My father (be) an engineer, but he (not/work) right now. 11. (you/believe) in ghosts? 12. My parents (live) in Sydney. Where (your parents/1ive)? 13. We (own) two cars, an estate car and a sports car. 14. Can you drive? No, but I (learn) at the moment. 15. Look! That woman (try) to steal that man's wallet. 16. The River Nile (f1ow) into the Mediterranean. 17. (you/like) Bon Jovi? 18. I (get) thirsty. Let's get something to drink.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) you played tennis at school last saturday. 2)my friends watched football yesterday. 3) mary listen to music yesterday . 4) i did my homework last sunday. 5) lisa clean her room yesterday. 1)they did not play tennis in the park. 2)he did not feed his pets last sunday. 3)mary did not clean her room two days ago. 4) we did not take our dog for a walk last tuesday 5)my sister did not water the flowers yesterday. 3. 1) what did alex clean yesterday? 2) when will simon water the flowers? 3) did mag take photos of her family last sunday? 4) why did miss chatter go to the country 5)who likes sweets and bananas?

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