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это фонетика по английскому. To find out the articulatory distinctions between the pairs of long and short vowels /i: I, u:-υ, α:-Λ, o:-o, i:-υ/.
Study the classification of English consonants: To describe the articulatory characteristics on the sounds/r, m, n, w, h, l, j/;
To find out the articulatory distinctions between the following pairs of consonants /p-b, t-d, k-g, f-v, s-z/,/g~h/.​

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The main holiday in winter is new year. i love it because of its spirit of miracle . this new year was great as usual. at 11 pm our family gathered at a holiday table. there were a lot of tasty things as salads and caviar. at midnight we listened to the president's speech and drank champagne to the new year . after that we all went outside and watched fireworks. there were a lot of people outside and we all wished each other happy new year. then we went home and sang karaoke and danced a lot. that's why i love new year!

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