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A. Read the text and give names to ist parts.
Schools in England and Wales
1. In England and Wales children
start schooling when they
five. A lot of them leave school
when they become sixteen. Some
of them can find jobs, some can
go to different colleges and some
stay at school for two more years
and then go to universities. Most
children go to state schools which
free. It's interesting that
English schools have no numbers,
they have names, for example
Green Park School.
2. The school year in England begins in September. It never begins on
Monday. The English don't think it is good to start a new thing on Mon-
day, so school usually begins on the first Tuesday of September. Little
children who are five go to primary school and stay there for seven years.
3. They do a lot of things in class. They learn to read, to write, to
count, and to draw. Their teachers often read interesting books to them
and tell them fairy tales. Pupils play a lot and spend much time out-
doors. They don't usually have to wear uniforms. When they are twelve,
primary school pupils go to secondary school. ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Jack and nick are sportsmens my grandfather is a doctor kevin is a pilot bill is a driver his uncle is a cock my parens are teachers my neighbour is a writer i am a builder my sister and brothers are students

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