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Present Simple-ды еске түсіреміз. Тапсырманы дәптерге орындаймыз 1.1. Add –s or -es to the verbs:

1. see -sees 2. wake ____3. take _____ 4. teach _____ 5. brush _____ 6. lose _____ 7. kiss _____ 8. catch _____ 9. call _____ 10. buy _____ 11. give _____ 12. pass _____ 13. play _____ 14. come _____ 15. study _____ 16. fight _____ 17. watch _____ 18. water _____ 19. help _____ 20. choose _____ 21. cut _____ 22. fly _____ 23. cry _____ 24. match _____ 25. swim _____ 26. carry ___

2.Write Do or Does: 1. ___ Kate help her mother every day? 2. ___ you listen to rock music? 3. ___ Tom know all the computer games? 4. ___ they go to the zoo on Sundays? 5. ___ you like to draw animals? 6. ___ your brother drive his car well? 7. ___ the boys like to plant flowers? 8. ___ Ben want to find his friends? 9. ___ you often call your friends? 10. ___ your sister wear nice dresses? 11. ___ they learn to dance at school? 12. ___ Mary spend much time on shops? 13. ___ your dog chase the cats?​

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If i were a traveler i'd go far into the mountains. in the mountains i would see the wonderful nature and looked to be from the mountain top into the sky. i'd traveled to china to find out of people how they live what they have at home.what they eat. but most of all i love to travel in india.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 если   я был путешественником я бы отправился далеко в горы. в горах я бы увидел удивительную природу и посмотрел бы с вершины горы на небо. еще я бы путешествовал по китаю узнавал бы людей как они живут какие у них дома.что они едят. но больше всего я люблю путешествовать в индии

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