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Переведите текст: My best friend Megan and I often spend time together, When the weather is nice, we ride bikes, play tennis, swim in the pool or go for a walk. When it is rainy, we
play board games or watch TV. Best of all I like doing difficult puzzles, I also play
computer games. We are never bored!
On Friday I ride a horse at the horse-riding school, it's my favourite hobby, I like
taking photos of horses. In my spare time I sometimes listen to music or go to the
library, Best of all I like reading books about horses. I don't go to the theatre, but I
often go to the cinema. I don't like doing puzzles. It's boring!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Моя лучшая подруга Меган и я часто проводим время вместе, В хорошую погоду,

мы катаемся на велосипедах, играем в теннис, купаемся в бассейне или идем гулять. Когда идет дождь, мы

играть в настольные игры или смотреть телевизор. Больше всего люблю решать сложные головоломки, еще играю

компьютерные игры. Нам никогда не бывает скучно!

В пятницу катаюсь на лошади в школе верховой езды, это мое любимое хобби, мне нравится

фотографировать лошадей. В свободное время я иногда слушаю музыку или хожу в

библиотека, Больше всего люблю читать книги о лошадях. Я не хожу в театр, но я

часто хожу в кино. Я не люблю разгадывать головоломки. Это скучно!

1. ls he clever he is not clever 2. have they got a lovely garden they haven't got a lovely garden 3.can my parrot speak some words my parrot can't speak any words 4. is the weather wet the weather is not wet 5.have i got a present for you i haven't got a present for you 6. is she early she is not early 7. ls he on time he is not on time 8. is this toy his this toy is not his 9.can i go now i can't go now 10.are cobras dangerous cobras are not dangerous 11.is joy the eldest joy is not the eldest 12.are they really fast they are not very fast 13.can we speak italian fluently we can't speak italian fluently 14.can he cook he can't cook 15.is that girl my daughter that girl is not my daughter 16.have birds features birds haven't features 17.are my teeth white my teeth are not white 18.can you do it you can't do it 19. are they both angry with me they are not angry with me 20. can he do his shoes up by himself he can't do his shoes up by himself

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