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А The
rgus is a rich man. He's got a lot of gold. He 1) always / never puts his gold in a hole
garden. He 2) never / usually takes his gold out of the hole and 3) secret / secretly
counts it. Then he puts it back.
One day, a man sees Argus with his gold. The man takes the gold and runs away 4) quickly / a
The next day, Argus goes to count his gold, but it isn't there! He starts crying 5) loudly / loud. An
and a woman hear Argus. "What's wrong?" they ask 6) polite / politely "My gold! My gold!" cries fo
Argus and points to the empty hole. "Your gold? In that hole? That's not a good place to keep yo A
gold. You can't spend your gold when you keep it in a hole." "Spend my gold?"
Argus screams. "17) usually / never spend my gold. I always keep it in the
hole." Then the woman throws a big stone in the hole and says:
"Well, then. You don't really need the gold, Argus. You can
8) sometimes / never look at this stone and pretend it is gold!"​

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Май диа диа мами, ай лав ю вэри мач,ай уиш ю хэлф энд хэпинэс э lways ин мач

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