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Ответы на вопрос:

picture 2.

woman in a food shop.

at this picture we see a middle aged woman in a food shop. looking at her face we can recognize a tired from life woman with little income, but trying to feed up her children anyway. her hair show us that she wash up her hair quite rarely as she is constantly busy at hard work. but among positive features: we can see absolutely honest and decent young woman, who can be very reliable and responsible friend or partner for life. concluding all above mentioned, we can say appearance might be mistaken and under tired and sad person may be very decent and transparently clean person.

Природа – удивительна и уникальна. это можно заметить и на любой улице города, но особенно – в лесу. достаточно выделить один день и поехать с семьей или с* друзьями, можно даже в одиночестве, в ближайший лес. увидеть, какое огромное количество животных и птиц обитает в наших широтах, оценить многообразие растений. примечательно, что это можно сделать в любое время года - наши леса удивительны и прекрасны всегда. ~~~ nature is amazing and unique. this can be seen on any street in the city, but especially in the forest. it is enough to single out one day and go with family or friends, you can even alone, into the nearest forest. to see how many animals and birds live in our latitudes, to appreciate the variety of plants. it is noteworthy that this can be done at any time of the year - our forests are amazing and beautiful always.

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