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Myths and legends are an integral part of  human existence. They have been around us all the time. Though their validity is susceptible, nobody seems to mind as they stand as a proof of the human belief in divine powers. Here we bring to you a collection of popular mythological stories that will take you to times of yore when gods co-habited with humans, divine voices could be heard and visions seen. Know more about deities you worship every day. Know about the extraordinary sacrifices made and great feats achieved. 

The Great Sacrifice

Shibi Rana was a great king. He was famous for his truthfulness, justice and keeping his word.

One day the gods decided to test him. Once, the king saw an eagle chasing a dove. The dove was frantically looking for a place to hide and came and settled in the king's lap. The dove said "Oh king, please save my life." The king had take a vow to protect anyone who took his shelter. Shibi Rana hid the dove in his lap. When the eagle saw this, he said, "Oh king, you have hidden my prey. Please leave the dove and let me satisfy my hunger."

The king wanted to protect the dove but at the same time, he did not want to deprive the eagle of his prey. He offered to give the eagle the same amount of meat in return. The eagle demanded flesh from the king's right thigh on the condition that not a tear should fall from his eye while his thigh is cut. The king thought that cutting away a little flesh from his body would not kill him and the dove would also be saved at the same time, so he agreed. The dove was placed on one side of a balance and the king's flesh was added, the dove was always heavier. A small tear appeared in the king's left eye. When the eagle confronted him, the king explained that the left thigh. At this, the eagle and the dove vanished.

Shibi Rana had passed the test and the gods blessed him.

The Boys Who Never Grew Old

Sage Mrikandu prayed to Shiva for a son. Shiva appeared before him and asked, "Do you want an ordinary son or a perfect son who would not live more than sixteen years?" 

Mrikandu thought, "If I ask for a perfect son, he would die at sixteen, but if I ask for an ordinary son, he would not be great." He chose a perfect son.

Soon his wife gave birth to a son whom they called Markendeya. He was a handsome, wise, and kind boy, perfect in every way.

A few days before his six teen birthday, Markandeya's parents told him that he would soon die. Markendeya said, "I will not die. " I will pray to Shiva." He worshipped Shiva every day. On his sixteenth birthday, Yama, the god of death, came to take him. Markandeya said, "Let me finish my prayer ." Yama got angry and threw the noose over him. Shiva appeared and ordered Yama back to his kingdom saying, "Don't return to earth." 

Yama went away. Nobody died on earth after that. The earth became overcrowded Goddess Earth went to Shiva and said, "I am not able to carry this huge burden. Please send Yama to earth." When Lord Shiva refused, she went to Parvati for help. When Parvati repeated the request, Shiva said, "Yama has insulted my devotee." Parvati said, "Maybe you meant that Markandeya will always remain sixteen, but that foolish Yama misunderstood." Shiva was happy. He sent Yama to earth again. Markandeya always remained sixteen.

A Mountain on a Finger

The people of Vrindavan workshipped Indra, the god of rain. Indra was very proud and arrogant and so Krishna decided to teach him a lesson. One day, he told the people that instead of worshipping Indra, They should worship the Govardhan Mountain and its forests on which their livelihood depended. 

 The people of Vrindavan obeyed Krishna and stopped worshipping Indra. Indra became angry and decided to punish them. He called upon the clouds, which were under his control and asked them to rain continuously over Vrindavan. The people were terrified by the heavy rains and thought that the flood would destroy their village and they would all die. Krishna lifted the Goverdhan entire mountain on the little finger of his left hand. He held the mountain like an umbrella for seven days and seven nights over the people of Vrindavan . 

At last, Indra realised his mistake and was ashamed. He asked the clouds to stop raining and apologised to Krishna.

Task 1. Choose one of the stories. Which story have you chosen? Why?

Task 2. Write the structure of a story and the purpose of each paragraph.


1) exposition (protagonist-antagonist, setting (time & place), conflict/problem (internal/external)); 

2) rising actions 

3) climax 

4) falling actions 

5) resolution 

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