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Check the meaning of words 1–5. Then look at the photos. Which possessions do you think
are Phra Pachak's and which are Laura's?
3.sandals. 5.umbrella
2.library card. 4.tie.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. Tashkent, Quvasoy

2. London, Birminghan

3. Syrdarya (сыр-дарья)

4. Severn

5. Asia

6. Australia

(инфа взята с инета, так шо хз)

(п.с нахрена такие вопросы лол)

1. What are the biggest cities in Uzbekistan?

2. What are the biggest cities in UK?

3. What is the longest river in Uzbekistan?

4. What is the longest river in UK?

5. What is the biggest continent?

6. What is the smallest continent?


Популярно: Английский язык