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с английским! В первом надо просто написать времена гоаголов, а во втором надо поставить глаголы в нужную форму и тоже указать времена (см. Вложение) ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. He often goes to the cinema.

2. They are watching TV at the moment.

3. She writes letters to her mother every week.

4. Nina usually drives to work.

5. Father is sitting on the sofa now.

6. Listen. The telephone is ringing.

7. Tim studies a new language every year.

8. We always spend the summer in York.

9. In summer we usually go to the seaside.

10.Look at Tom. He is riding a horse.

11. He often watches birds in autumn.

12. Don't ask me now. I am writing an exercise.

13. She usually watches television in the evening.

14. I play the piano every day.


Present Continuous- настоящее продолженное время.Употребляется,когда действие происходит в данный момент.Указатели времени-now, right now,at the moment.

Образование:S(подлежащее) + am/is/are + V+ing(глагол+ing)

I am

He/She/It is

We/You/They are

Present Simple-настоящее простое время.Употребляется,когда действие происходит регулярно, постоянно, всегда... Указатели времени-always,often, sometimes,usually,every day/week/year и т.д.


1. Present Indefinite

2. Future Indefinite

3. Present Indefinite

4. Главное предложение Present Indefinite, придаточное предложение Present Continuous.

5. Past Indefinite

6. Past Continuous

7. Past Indefinite

8. Первая часть предложения - Past Continuous,

вторая и третья части - Past indefinite.

9. Present Perfect

10. Первая часть - Past Perfect, вторая часть - Past Indefinite.


1. don’t know - Present Indefinite

2. doesn’t let - Present Indefinite

3. works - Present Indefinite

4. had - Past Indefinite

5. was watching - Past Continuous, это если предположить что он смотрел мультики какой-то промежуток времени в Данное предложение некорректно составлено, не хватает маркеров времени. Если он только что посмотрел например, то следовало бы поставить Present Perfect, если вчера он смотрел мультики - то Present Indefinite.

6. will call - Future Indefinite

7. is shining- Present Continuous

8. isn’t working- Present Continuous.

9. was watching - Past Continuous.

10. was dansing - Past continuous, остальные части - Past Indefinite.

11. ?

12. have just cut - Present Perfect

13.  has already phoned - Present Perfect

14. had finished - Past Perfect

15. had lost - Past Perfect, первая часть - Past Indefinite.


Travel by train i was not very comfortable, because it is very hot and there are no showers to wash up after a sweaty night in the stinking bed, and not very natural vision to do their personal hygienic things on their dirty toilets are smeared with brown cream like an elephant. just not very nice when lumps removed and spread out their socks smelly socks on the table. as my grandmother enrage-fart snoring on his bed suite for a lot of money, and i'm on a smelly bed under which plastered with chewing gum and other things. generally do not recommend the train.

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