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1. Вставьте нужный артикль там, где это необходимо. 1. Mrs. Green likes … coffee and milk . 2. We make … butter from … milk. 3. We make a bottle of … glass. 4. … cow eats … grass in … field. 5. We make … table of … wood. 6…..cat has …. long tail. 7. … dog likes … meat and … bones. 8. We make … ring of … gold or … silver. 9. … snow is white and soft. 10. Mothers make … sweaters of … wool. 11. … fish swims in … water. 12. We write … letter on … paper in … ink. 13. … piano makes … music. 14. He writes about … love and … hatred. 15. We make … bread from … flour. 16. … orange grows on … tree. 17. …car runs on …. petrol. 1 8. … sugar is nice in … cup of … tea. 19. We eat … soup with … spoon. 20. We cut … bread with … knife. 21. .. .cow is … domestic animal. 22. … tiger is … wild animal. 23. He likes … jam on … piece of … bread.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Achild likes to build sand castles.

Популярно: Английский язык