Есть ответ 👍

1.На какой вопрос отвечает местоимение They в предложении? 1) Кто/Что?
2) Чей?
3) Кого/Чего?

2.К какой группе относится местоимение These?

1) неопределенные
2) указательные
3) личные

3.Укажите "лишнее" местоимение

1) we
2) both
3) neither

4.Какое местоимение относится к группе притяжательных?

1) me
2) other
3) ours

5.Какое местоимение отвечает на вопрос Кого/Чего? Кому/Чему?

1) either
2) you
3) this

6.Какое местоимение не относится к группе личных?

2) you
3) it

7.Каким местоимением можно заменить имя Paul?

1) this
2) another
3) he

8.Выберите значение местоимения either

1) другой
2) любой, всякий
3) оба

9.Какой группы местоимений не существует?

2) дополнения
3) определенные

10.Какое местоимение не существует?

1) allbody
2) everybody
3) nobody​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1: 1) Кто/Что

2: хз

3: 2) Both

4: 3) ours

5: 1) either

6: 3) It

7: 3) he

8: 1) другой

9: хз

10: 3) nobody

1чей 2 указательный 3both 4other5 this 6it 7 another 8оба 9 определение 10 nobody


1)shevchenko was born in the family of a serf in the village of moryntsy in 1814.

2)young taras became an orphan very early

3)in 1825, when shevchenko was for 12 years, died, and his father. since that time a heavy, nomadic life homeless child

4) he was a shepherd, a labourer to a priest and, when he was fourteen, his master took him into the manor house as a boy-servant — “kozachok”.


6) still in his early childhood shevchenko was very fond of drawing and his master decided to make a serf painter of him. for this purpose he sent taras to study painting. the boy was so talented that several russian artists decided to free him from slavery.

7) karl brulov, the great russian artist, painted a portrait of vasiliy zhukovsky and sold it for 2 500 roubles. with this money they bought out shevchenko from his master. later on the young painter continued his studies at the petersburg academy of arts.

8)in 1840 he published his first book of poems which he named “kobzar”.

9)shevchenko is the favourite author of millions of ukrainians, a real people’s poet. his works are translated into many languages.


ну как-то


























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