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A * young readers like to know how people look for the wated to live in a happy word of her own only 10
we will take this moment to give them a little venture it to the few whom he tried and
sketch of the four sisters, whose knitting away loved. Amy, thout the youngest a mostant
in the twilight while the December sow fell quietly penson - In her own opit Aaron
$ outside and the fire crackled cheerfully within it was a maiden with blue eyes and yellow hair cutting on her
comfortable old room, though the carpet was faded and humides, pale and slender, and always there
the furniture very plain for soodpicture or two long ke a young lady mindful of her what the
on the walls, books filled the shelves, chrysanthemum character of the former, we will have to
and Christmas roses bloomed in the window and a
10 pleasant atmosphere of home peace filled the room
The cock and having swept up the
Meg, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very
Beth pupa of slippers down to w
pretry, being plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of Somehow the sight of the old he had
soft brown hair, a sweet mouth and white hands of which up the gut for me wag and everyone
she was rather vain Fifteen-year-old Jo was very fall brightened to welcome ter Meg sopped lectus
15 thin and brown, and reminded one of a cold for the fighted the lamp. Amy go of them without
never seemed to know what to do with her long lite being asked, and la foto tired she was
which ex machineray Sheind a deve up to hold the personer to the fire
mouth, a comical sose and sharp, grey eyes, which
"They quite wo Mother moves
appeared for everything and could be fierce, funny or
I thought I'd get some with my
dad Bette
20 thoughtful Her long, thick haw her one beauty, but
was wally bundled in a set to be out of her way to
To the oldest'te Megbonto
had round shoulders, big hands and feet, a fly mylook
Ta of the family now at papasaway, and
to her clothes and the scamortable appearance of
shall provide the slipper for he told me
woman and didn't
of mother while he gone
25 Nkeit Elizabeth-or Betti, as everyone called her -
Til tell you what we'll do, and et let's each
towy, mohhaid, brich-eyed girl of thirteen with a
her something for Christmas, and more thing for 55
hy manner, a timid voice and peaceful expression
which usedem disturbed. Her father called her Line
Miss Tanquility, and the same steder excellently,​

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Ответы на вопрос:

It's quite small and it lives in the sea._it is a seal

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