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Change the sentences into reported speech. He said, “They were playing football at 5 o’clock last week”. She advised Anna, “Don’t lend money to strangers”. He asked me, “Have you been crying?” He said, “I’ll try to phone you tomorrow”. Translate the sentences into Russian. He asked me if I had been in the new theatre. She did not know why he had left. She said that she was cleaning her room. The mother asked her son what he was doing. Translate the sentences into English. Он что завтра ему идти в школу. Она решила, что сбалансированная диета важная вещь для нее. Доктор сказал, что ему нужно сбросить вес. Она спросила меня, делаю ли я домашнюю работу сейчас. Он сказал, что чувствует себя виноватым.

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Ответы на вопрос:

С первым не могу, но вот второе:

He complained that he would go to school tomorrow. She decided that a balanced diet was important to her. The doctor said he needed to lose weight. She asked me if I was doing my homework now. He said he felt guilty.

Відповідь:С первым не могу, но вот второе:

He complained that he would go to school tomorrow. She decided that a balanced diet was important to her. The doctor said he needed to lose weight. She asked me if I was doing my homework now. He said he felt guilty.


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