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Выбери правильный вариант  This bird has broken .... wing. it hers its her  .... task is easier than mine. Your Yours Mine My  Meet Jane. She is a friend of .... . our my mine their  I don't believe .... stories. his hers ours theirs  When do your classes begin? - September 2nd. How about ..? my your yours mine  My husband and I really like .... new apartment. It has a lof of space. our ours yours theirs  Is this phone his or .... ? my its hers her  Nick has two sisters. .... names are Susan and Kate. Their Theirs Ours Our  My hobby is riding a bike. What's .... ? your mine its yours  I wash .... hair every day. yours my mine its

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Ответы на вопрос:

1she murmured that life was getting so sad. 2 the doorman answered that the man had left the hotel ten minutes before. 3 jane was sorry that she had broken his watch and added that she was sorry. 4.he wondered what issues the president would discuss at the summit the following week. 5 she tried to explain that he wouldn't like the concert because he couldn't understand music. 6 he insisted that he had always been honest with me. 7 she said that they thought of going to spain for their honeymoon. 8 we knew that water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.

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