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Измените предложения, употребляя Present Perfect согласно образцу’. A. — Phill, open the window, please. — I have already opened it. (Kate Aasjust opened it.). 1. Ann, lay the table, it’s time forsupper. 2. Cut the bread, please. 3. Don’t leave soup in your plate, Lizzie. 4. Let Bobby drink some milk before going to bed. 5. Would you water the flowers, Mary. 6. Don’t forget to buy a loaf of bread, Maggie. 7. Let Billy switch off the light in the bathroom. 8. Do your home task, Alice. 9. Nick, switch the TV set on. We’d like to listen to the latest news. 10. Don’t switch off the light, Jane. I am going to read. B. Ann is reading stories by O’Henry. (Tom; Nick). Tom has (already, just) read them recently. Nick hasn’t read them yet. 1. 1 am drinking tea now. (Granny; grandpa). 2. Jack is repairing his bicycle. (Nick; Den). 3. My sister is looking through the newspapers. (My brother; Mother). 4. We are cooking dinner (Lucy; Alan). 5. His Granny is doing shopping. (We; Margaret). 6. Father is listening to the news over the radio. (We; Martin). 7. Monica is taking a bath. (Mother; 1). 8. Nick is hav¬ing breakfast. (Nelly; We). 9. 1 am writing an essay, (you; they). 10. Mary is cleaning the room. (Lily; Richard).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a hacker is a type of online criminal. 2. i use anti-virus software to protect my computer 3. you can stop a lot of spam with a filter 4. it's a good idea to change your password quite often 5. a virus is a dangerous computer program 6. i've got a firewall to protect against phishing.

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