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I. Complete the following story by supplying the correct form of the verb - predicate, infinitive or participle : The Woodcutter and his wife were very glad that the mother of the Star- Child_________(to find ) him at last.
She____________(to weep) with joy. "He ___________ (to be) my little son whom I _______________ (to lose) in the forest ten years ago. Please, send for him , for I ________________ (to wander) over the whole world in search of him."
So the Woodcutter and his wife ___________ (to go out ) to tell the Star - Child who ___________________ (to play ) with his playmates to go into the house because his mother __________ (to wait) there. He ________ (to run) in __________ (to fill) with joy and wonder. But when he _____________ (to see) the woman he laughed at her. He ____________ (to cry) angrily that she _____(to be ) not his mother, that she _____________ (to be) a beggar in rags “_____________(to get out ) of here" he shouted. "But you are indeed my little so whom I_______________ ( to carry ) in my arms," she __________ (to cry) and _____(to fall ) on her knees, and ___________ ( to hold ) out her arms to him.
"The robbers ____________ (to steal) you from me and______________ (to leave) you to die”, she __________(to murmur )." but I ______________ (to recognise) the cloak and the amber chain " And she asked him _______ ( to come ) with her.
When he _______________ ( to speak ) to her his voice was hard and bitter " I ______________ (to think ) always that I was the son of some Star and not a beggar’ s child. And I ______________ (not to come) with you.
"Will you not kiss me before I ___________(to go)”? she asked.
"No”. ____________(to say) the Star - Child. “you are too ugly and I would rather _____________ (to kiss) a toad than you.”
So the woman _______________ (to rise) and went away into the forest _____________(to weep ) bitterly, and when the Star – Child____________ (to find) that she __________(to go) he_________ (to run) back to his playmates.
But when they ________ (to see) him_________(to come) they laughed because he ___________(to become ) as ugly as a toad

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1) in, at, for, in 2) with, in, for

Популярно: Английский язык