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Нужна ваша ! найдите в предложениях complex object и переведите предложения на язык. 1)they find the conference to have been a remarkable one. 2)we expect mark to write an article for the newspaper. 3)the rain made us come back home. 4)i saw him enter the room. 5)they don`t like to be asked about it. 6)do you expect the work to be done tomorrow? 7)we heard tom speak at the conference. 8)i know her to work and study. 9)we think this student to pass his exam in physics successfully. найдите в предложениях complex subject с инфинитивом. 1)you are supposed to graduate from the university in five years. 2)this new operating system is reported to go into operation next years. 3)he was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists. 4)many new textbooks are reported to be published soon. 5)that power station is known to be situated on the angara river. 6)you friend seems to be very much interested in computers. 7)they are certain to inform us about their plans. 8)they are certain to leave for moscow tomorrow. 9)their article is believed to have been published

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  to have been   они находят прошедшую конференцию знаменательной.2) to write an article   мы ждём, что марк напишет статью для газеты.3)  come back home. дождь заставил нас вернуться домой.4)   enter the room. я видел, что он вошёл в комнату.5)  to be asked   они не любят, когда их спрашивают об этом.6) to be done  ожидаешь ли ты, что работа будет сделана завтра,7)we heard tom speak at the conference.8)i know her to work and study.9)we think this student to pass his exam in physics successfully.1)  to graduate from the university in five years.2)  to go into operation next years.3)  to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists.4)  to be published soon.5) to be situated on the angara river.6)  to be very much interested in computers.7)  to inform us about their plans.8) to leave for moscow tomorrow.9)  to have been published

1) the conference to have- это complex object они считают, что конференция удалась. 2) mark to write- complex object мы ожидали, что марк напишет статью для газеты. 3) made us come- c.object мы зашли домой из-за дождя 4) him enter я видел как он входит в комнату. 5) to be asked они не любят, когда их спрашивают об этом. 6) the work to be done ты ожидаешь, что работа будет сделана до завтра? 7) tom speak мы слышали, как он разговаривал на конференции. 8) her to work and study я знаю, что она работает и учится. 9)this student to pass мы думаем, что этот студент сдаст его экзамен по с успехом

They can join us. you're my best friend. let's help them! i don't have my own room. his behavior surprised me. i appreciate her knowledge. the dog broke its paw.

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