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3 1.4 Listen again and answer the
1 Did Hannah and her friends take off their coats?
Why/Why not?
2 How did Hannah and her classmates feel about the
3 What did Toby think about the Spanish lesson?
4 Did Toby have fun in the dancing class? Why/
Why not?
5 Did Kate have a good time?
6 Why did the little monkey feel sad?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Give Russian equivalents of the following expressions:

To consist of cостоять из,

circulation тираж,

general news основные новости,

headlines заголовки,

short articles заметки,

magazines журналы,

advertisements реклама,

to be full of быть полным,

recently последнее время,

currently в настоящее время,

tabloids таблоиды,

to require требовать,

payment оплата,

subscribers подписчики.

Популярно: Английский язык