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Like many other people i do different things on weekdays and weekends. the timetables are different. but i always try to go to bed before midnight and have to get up quite early in the morning on weekdays because i must go to school. if i get up early i can do everything i have planned to do. my school classes usually begin at 8 o'clock. i get up at half past six every day. i make my bed. i just don’t like when my room is messy. then do some exercises. usually i take a shower in the morning. i go to the bathroom where i wash my face and brush my teeth. after this i do not feel sleepy at all. i feel full of energy and ready for the new day. then i have breakfast. it may be a cup of black or green tea or coffee and a sandwich or some scrambled eggs. i like talking to my parents while having breakfast. after breakfast i put all the necessary books into my bag and get dressed. then i leave home at about 7.40. i get to school on foot. but in winter it’s rather hard to walk on this road so sometimes i take a bus. it takes me twenty minutes to get to school. when i get to school i take off my outerwear and leave it in the cloak-room and go to the classroom.my classes usually finish at 2 p.m. when classes are over i go to the library or go to my place. there i have dinner. i have tennis trainings three times a week. after the trainings i go straight home, take a bath or a shower and have a light supper. then i start doing my homework. normally i have a lot of homework so i don’t have much spare time for my hobbies. i like playing the guitar. sometimes i get really tired at the end of the day. if i finish early i can hang out with my friends, surf the internet for a bit or listen to music or watch tv at home. i go to bed at about eleven.on weekends i usually get up at 10 o'clock and do the same things i do on weekdays except for going to school. on weekends i can stay at home and read books, or go somewhere with my friends. i think it is very good when you have a settled timetable. you feel more organized.

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