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Some aspects of British school life can diff er from schools in other countries. Generally, students would call a teacher "Sir, Miss, Ma'am" or, for example, "Mr Smith ", "Miss Jones". This was a recent cause for discussion at the school where I work in Poland. We were teaching Saudi Arabian students, who frequently called us "Teacher" and we debated whether this could be an acceptable form of address, Assembly: There are meetings of the whole school in the main main hall, either in the morning or after dinner.The head teacher or another teacher addresses the school with news or a particular subject he or she might wish to talk about.

Мәтінді жалғастыр... Ары қарай не болды? Сауд Арабиядан келген студенттерге мұғалім деп айта беруіне рұқсат етті ме? Әлде міндетті түрде ханым, мырза деп ата дедіме? Қалай шешілді?

Продолжайте текст... Что произошло дальше? Позволил ли он студентам из Саудовской Аравии называть себя учителем?, Как это было решено?

Countinue the text... What happened next? Did he allow students from Saudi Arabia to call him a teacher? Or do you mean to call me a "miss" or a "sir"? How was it solved? ​

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даешь сто даваймне

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