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Match sentences 1-3 from the listening on page 12 with descriptions a-c. Which
tenses do we use in each sentence?
1 I was watching the clock and I was getting more
and more upset.
2 I was talking to my uncle when he scored.
3 He gave me the money and I bought the car.
a Two finished actions in the past.
b Two past actions happening at the same time.
c An action which was in progress when another
action happened.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)c. An action which was in progress when another action happened

2)b. Two past actions happening at the same time

3)a. Two finished actions in the past

Жарким солнышком согрет,

В шкурку, как в броню, одет.

Удивит собою нас



На шнурочке-стебелёчке

Сладких ягод груда

На большое блюдо.


Маленькая печка с красными угольками.


Неказиста, шишковатая,

А придет на стол она,

Скажут весело ребята:

"Ну, рассыпчатая, вкусна!"


Хотя я сахарной зовусь,

Но от дождя я не размокла,

Крупна, кругла, сладка на вкус,

Узнали вы, кто я? ...


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