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1.Вставь артикли а,аn там,где это необходимо 1. I need to go to the shop to buy … milk and … loaf of bread. Yesterday she got … letter. The letter was from her mother. I have … cat. … my cat is black and white. … my brother works 6 days … week. There is … new collection of stamps in the shop, I’d like to buy it! Ann and Mary are … friends of mine. … Mark broke his leg last weekend while riding … bicycle. Please turn on … radio, I'd like to listen to … news. I wish I could buy … ticket to go to the sea right now. Please give me … some water,I'm thirsty

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Did mary write a letter other day? when did mary write a letter? who wrote a letter ? did mary or anna write a letter other day? mary wrote a letter other day,didn't she? what did mary write?

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