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нужно по этому тексту сделать следующее задание. Заранее большое. Read again and choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentences.
A. It was dinosaur blood vessels ... 68 million years old!
B. He thinks that would be the best lecture he could ever give.
C. Most scientists believe that it can survive 100,000 years at the most.
D. This may not seem so impressive, but a series of alterations could result in a completely new kind of dinosaur!
E. Ignoring what the others said, he carried on with his research.
F. For this reason, he is also looking at other ways to revive dinosaurs.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. talgat sais that he loves milk. 2. julia asked jane does she grow vegetables. 3. he said that we are having a party tomorrow. 4. mary asked me what am i thinking about. 5. she sais that kuralai went to france, she took her daughter with her. 6. the father asked have i tidies my room. 7. he said that he doesn't think i'll be there long. 8. jim asked peter where did he leave his umbrella.

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