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a. My dad is ____________ the kitchen. on / in / behind b. Our cat likes sleeping with me _______________ the bed. between / on / in front of c. I’m waiting for my friend _______________ her house. in front of / under / on d. We’re playing a game – I’m hiding _______________ the door! on / under / behind e. I like sitting _______________ my mum and my dad on the sofa. under / in / between f. Can you swim _______________ water? in front of / under / next to g. My teddy is _______________ my doll. next to / between / in

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) in

2) on

3)in front of

4) behind

5) between

6) under

7)next to


I often play computer games


I am reading a book now?

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