Есть ответ 👍

Choose the right variant. 1. While I shopped/ was shopping, I was coming came
across with an old friend of mine.
2) After I had finished finished studying, I
kad watched TV.
3) Did/
Were you cry when you hear/ heard the bad news?
4) The thief was robbing has
robbed the house while the house owners were
sleeping /slept.
5) Last night,
the little girl was/ were scared because she has had a
6) Sumerians invent/ invented writing.
7) Last year, Susan
and her family moved/ had moved to a new city. Then
she started/ starts her new school.
8) When
the power was going went off , Tori studied was
studying English
9) When Sevgi were/ was a child, her favourite
subject is/ was Maths.
10) The
engineers was decided/ decided to reconstruct this
building in 2010
11) As soon as we picked/ had picked up all the apples
on the tree, it started start to rain.
months ago
12) My brother was graduating graduated two
13) What did
were you do yesterday?
14) The housemaid sneezed/ were
sneeze while she dusted/ was dusting the furniture,​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. was shopping, came
2. had finished, watched
3. did, hear
4. has robbed, were sleeping
5. was, had
6. invented
7. had moved, started
8. went off, was studying
9. was, was
10. decided
11. had picked
12. graduated
13. did
14. sneezed, was dusting

1) My chess club usually starts at 4 pm

2) i'm writing

3) What are you doing?

4) I am looking for... lenses

5) Why are you looking at me like that?

6) I often visit my granny at the weekends.

7) I have never seen this movie before.

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