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Ответы на вопрос:

There is some bread
There is sofa in the room
There is cup on the table
There is a flower windowsill

There is a book on the table. На столе есть книга.

There are three chairs in the room. В комнате 3 стула.

There are two boxes under the bed. Под кроватью 2 коробки.

There is a supermarket near the cinema. Около кинотеатра есть супермаркет.

There is a book among the copybooks. Среди тетрадей есть книга.

There is a bank next to the chemist's. Рядом с аптекой есть банк.

There is a car in front of the house. Напротив дома (стоит) машина.

There is a garden behind the house. Позади дома есть сад.

There is a pastry-shop between the butcher's and the greengrocer's. Между мясной лавкой и овощным магазином есть кондитерская.


1. was doing 2. have moved 3. are discussing 4. expected 5. have seen 6. pass 7. is, are 8. looks like 9. is cooking, am doing 10. was waiting

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