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3.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous или Present Perfect и переведите: .
1.I am (to write) an exercise.
2.We have just (to talk) about it.
3. What are you (to talk) about?
4. What is she (to teach) them?
5.They have (to ask) me several questions.
6.She is (to tell) them some interesting story.
7. Who has (to teach) you to do it?
8.They are (to meet) a meeting.
9.What language are you (to study)?
10.She has not (to speak) yet.​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1.I am writing an exercise.

2.We have just talked about it.

3.What are you talking about.

4.What is she teaching them.

5.They have asked me several questions.

6.She is telling them some interesting story.

7.Who has teaching you to do it?

8.They are meet a meeting.

9.What language are you studying

10.She has not spoken yet.



1. he did not have even a penny with him to buy a loaf of bread. 2. he went to the market to buy some vegetables. 3. the robber wielded a knife to frighten the poor traveler. 4. i am not afraid to speak the truth. 5. the officials sold the insolvent’s property to pay the creditors. 6. he works hard to be rich. 7. he has five children to provide for them. 8. the nation expects this of every man to do his duty. 9. she helps the poor to relieve them of their suffering. 10. it is his hobby to collect old stamps. 11. she conducted herself gracefully to impress her host. 12. he must have been very foolish to squander away all his wealth. 13. she quit the job to pursue higher education.

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