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Поставьте артикль the перед существительным, где нужно. … sun is a star.
… sky is grey today.
… earth is a planet.
… weather was fine yesterday.
There are … apples on … table.
You can’t see … moon in … sky tonight.
It is very dark in … room.
I went to the shop and bought … bananas. I like … bananas.
I always help about … house.
… girls are at home. Where are … boys?

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Ответы на вопрос:

The sun

The sky

The earth

The weather


the table

the moon the sky

the room

bananas bananas

the house

The girls the boys

1. tarantino is very cleverly plays poker. chinese soups taste sharp and japanese sladkie. new "smart" looks prekrasno. new "smart" works prekrasno. carlos always sings very slowly and pedalino. fresh bread smells zamechatelno. richard bubinga hair feels justcie. something your voice sounds aggressive. what happened? 9. arnold swims fast and noisy

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