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5 -тапсырма.
Сөздікті пайдаланып, мәтіндегі қарамен
жазылған сөздердің аудармасын тап,
мағынасын анықта.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1.we usually get much home work,don't we? 2.she likes to discuss it,doesn't she? 3.my friends asked me to translate,didn't they? 4.he told me about it,didn't he? 5 her brother wasn't in moscow,was he? 6 my dad will show you the picture,won't he? 7 he didn't come at six,did he? 8 my friends were in town,weren't they? 9 they couldn't translate,could they? 10 her cousin saw this unusual animal,didn't he? 11 we took these books,didn't we? 12 my parents know this city very well,don't they? 13 these books are yours,aren't they?

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