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с Англ-им ничего не понимаю 2. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие высказывания, используя информацию из текста. Начните словами "That's right" or "That's wrong": Пример: Our University (Соllege) was founded in 1960. - That's wrong. Our University was founded in 1975. 1. About 6,000 students study at our University. 2. In July applicants take examinations to get into the University. 3. The academic year in Russia is divided into 3 terms. 4. Our student halls are situated far from the University. 5. The students of our University have all facilities for study, recreation and rest. 6. Our students have vacation once a year. 7. Students have vacation in spring and autumn. 3. Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы: 1. – What year are you in? На каком вы курсе? 2. – Did you pass your exam in mathematics well? Вы хорошо сдали экзамен по математике? 3. – When will you graduate from your University? Когда вы окончите ваш университет? 4. – Where will you work after your graduation from the University? Где вы будете работать, когда окончите институт? 5. – I'm a second year student. Я студент второго курса. 6. – Yes, I did. I like the subject. I passed the exam and got a 5. Да. Я люблю этот предмет. Я сдал экзамен и получил 5. 7. – In four years, I think. Через четыре года, я полагаю. 8. – I am offered a job in the firm where I've passed my training. Мне предлагают работу в фирме, где я проходил практику.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)I will not play the piano next year.

2)He will not to play chess tomorrow?

3)You will not to eat apples tomorrow.

4)You will to like apples?

5)Your brother will to go the exhibit next Sunday.

6)She will to live in Kiev next year.

7)They will to give me presents on my birthday next year.

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