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C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words including the word given.
1. If you keep practising. it'll become easy for you.
itu become for you
2. Sandra receives more emails than Kate.
Kate doesn't receive
3. Your younger sister is becoming quite tall
Your younger sister is getting
4. If you run faster, you'll get to school quicker.
The faster
you'll get to
5. Ben is not as interested in reading as his siblings
Ben is
his siblings.
6. Lisa's hair is a lot longer than Helen's
Lisa's hair
than Helenis​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Экология в городе экология в городе, превышает выше нормы. тоесть, это хорошо? нет. экология в городе, это ,грязь,отходы и углекислый газ. мы должны перестать это делать, или будет плохо для нас и земли. мы постепенно теряем наш дом. не будет дома, не будет нас.

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