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My family. Personal pronouns. Possessive pronouns. Exercise 1.Find the correct English word for the given phrase: 1. the husband of your aunt → 2. a person's father or mother → 3. your brother's wife → 4. the son of your sister → 5. a person's female child → 6. the father of your father → 7. a child of your uncle → 8. two sons of mother and father → 9. a woman on her wedding day → 10. the man that a woman is engaged to → Exercise 2. Find the correct words and write them into gaps. 1. fathre → 6. necul → 2. osn → 7. aarndgfther → 3. rbthoer→ 8. atnu → 4. sesitr → 9. nriachgdld → 5. othemr → 10. agdtuehr → Exercise 3. Fill in me, you, him, her, it, us, you and them. 1. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at_____? 2. Do you know that man? Yes, I work with _____. 3. I am talking to you. Please listen to_______. 4. These photos are nice. Do you want to look at______? 5. I like that camera. I am going to buy______. 6. I don't know Peter's girlfriend. Do you know______? 7. We are going to the disco. Can you come with____? 8. Where are the children? Have you seen_____? Exercise4.Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Бұл газет менікі. 2.Бұл сөздік сенікі. 3.Бұл журнал оныкі. 4.Бұл ұялы телефон оныкі. 5.Бұл кілем біздікі. 6.Бұл үстел сендердікі. 7.Бұл компьютер олардыкі.

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