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This text is written in the Past Simple only. For each of the underlined verbs (1 - 11), decide whether they can only be used in the Past Simple, or could also take used to and would. ADIFFICULT CHILDHOOD John Lennon was born at the beginning of the Second World War in Liverpool, an important port which was heavily bombed. His father was a sailor and so (1.didn't see) the family very often and, after the war, he (2.left) them. John's mother (3.found) it difficult to look after John and go out to work, so he often (4.stayed) with his mother's older sister, his Aunt Mimi. Eventually, he (5.moved) to his aunt's permanently and grew up in a nice, semi-detatched house in a good part of Liverpool. When he was fifteen, he (6.started) listening to rock'n'roll groups and decided to start his own group. They often (7.played) small concerts and, at one of these, he met Paul McCartney. John's aunt always (8.told) him that he should concentrate on his school work, but he (9.didn't listen) to her, which was lucky as John and Paul went on to become the main songwriters in the Beatles, the most famous pop band of all time. John's mother came back into his life when he was about seventeen, and he (10.visited( her a lot because she (11.liked) his music, unlike his aunt. Then, just as John's relationship with his mother was becoming very close, she was killed in an accident, which affected John very badly and turned him into even more of a rebel.​

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Aɪ  laɪk  skuːl  aɪ  laɪk  ˈgəʊɪŋ  ˈɛvri  deɪ  tuː  skuːl  aɪ  laɪk  skuːl  ðeəz  ə  bæg  ɪn  maɪ  hænd  ə  bʊk  ɪz  ɪn  ðə  bæg  ænd  ən  ˈɛksəsaɪz-  bʊk  ænd  ə  ˈruːlə r  ænd  ə  pɛn  ænd  ə  ˈpɛnsl  keɪs  aɪ  laɪk  skuːl

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