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Сться о c) Is
14. ... Bill ... homework for the English lesson yesterday evening?
a) Do, do;
b) Does, do;
c) Did, do
15. They ... some eggs for breakfast yesterday.
a) Had;
b) Have;
c) Shall have
16 Alice's brother ... dinner two hours ago
a) is having
b) Has;
c) Had
17. My classmates ... down their compositions now
a) Are writing;
b) Write,
c) Wrote
18. Mark ... anything to me.
a) didn't wrote;
b) not write;
c) didn't write
19. Перекладіть речення: Марта ніколи не чула, як він говорить англійською.
a) Martha never heard him spoke English;
b) Martha never heard him to speak English;
c) Martha has never heard him speak English.
20. Bill's coat is warm, but my coat is
a) The warmest;
b) Warmer,
c) More worm
21. My friend's... at the theatre yesterday
a) Were,
b) Are;
c) Will be
22. Tom is ... pupil in our class
a) Lazier,
b) The laziest;
c) More lazy
23. What ... Sam ... now?
a) Does, write;
b) Do, write;
c) Is, writing
24. I am busy at the moment. L... an important email.
a) am writing;
b) writing
c) write
25. She doesn't like sandwiches. ...
a) Me too;
b) So do I,
c) Neither do I
26. How ... money did you spend?
a) Much;
b) Few;
c) Many
27. We... to the USA this month. We have already reserved a hotel in New York
a) Are going
b) Will go;
с )Go​

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favourite writer is a.s.pushkin. he is very good and history writer. he lived in expensive family. his nurse be in his life. her name is arina radionovna. he is kill in thirty nine years old. he kill because he is defend his girlfriend.

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