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Hi, Yan! I hope you've found the photo album and eve-
rything is going to be ok with your school project. The pho-
tograph I'm sending was taken four years ago. Of course we
look very different today, but I haven't changed much. As
you can see I used to have longer hair, but I've had it short
since my 10th birthday. I think I used to look like a little girl,
but now I'm much taller and stronger.
Rosie has changed a lot! She used
to be short and fat. Now she looks
much fitter. Her hair used to be curly
and she used to have it shoulder-
length and now it's longer. And she
didn't use to have freckles, too. Now,
when she gets sun-tanned millions of
them appear. She used to be a lovely girl
and behave really well, but two years ago,
after she took up playing hockey, things
have changed. She used to be an ideal sis-
ter – so amusing and fun, but now she's
really boring. We used to go roller-skating
and watch horror films together. All she can
talk about now is boys and shopping And
3. L

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And she did not notice because i fortunately took off her glasses .

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