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Задание. Выберите правильную форму глагола в Present, Past или Future Simple
1. I (to go) to bed at 11 o'clock
5. Nick (to work) in the garden next
every day.
a) to go
b) went
c) is going
d) will go
e) go
2. I (not to go) to the cinema last
a) didn't go
b) don't go
c) don' t went
d) doesn't go
e) not go
3. you (to watch) TV every
a) Did you watch TV every day?
b) Did you watch TV every day?
c) Are you watch TV every day?
d) Do you watch TV every day?
e) Does you watch TV every day?
4. When you (to leave) home for
the Institute yesterday?
a) When did you leaves
home for the Institute yesterday?
b) When do you leave home
for the Institute yesterday?
c) When did you left home
for the Institute yesterday?
d) When does you leave
home for the Institute yesterday?
e) When did you leave home
for the Institute yesterday?
a) worked
b) will work
c) works
d) to work
e) is working
6. Mother (to cook) dinner every day?
a) Does mother cook dinner every
b) Do mother to cook dinner every
c) Did mother cooked dinner every
d) Does mother cooked dinner every
e) Did mother to cook dinner every
7. You usually (to help) your sister?
a) Are you usually help your sister?
b) Do you usually help your sister?
c) Did you usually helps your sister?
d) Does you usually help your sister?
e) Do you usually to help your sister?
8. You (to be) in the library yesterday?
a) Did you was in the library
b) Was you in the library yesterday?
c) Do you was in the library
d) Were you in the library yesterday?
e) Did you be in the library

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) go

2) a

3) d

4) e

6) a

7) b

8) b

5 напиши правильно вопрос и варианты ответов и я тебе отвечу)


1. Motorbike

2. Coach

3. Bike

4. Ship

5. Train

6. Car

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