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Скільки людей у світі говорять по англійськи?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

How many People speak English

It (has been) long since i ( wrote) a letter to you. at last i (am) in london. the weather (is) nasty. it (has been raining) all day today. i ( think) it always ( rains) on sundays in london. anyway, it (has rained) every weekend since i ( came) to britain three months ago. i (am getting) used to it, but i ( find) it rather dull. but i (am enjoying) my stay here as i (have made) a lot of friends here who ( come) from different countries. some of them (have been staying) here for a few years and (can speak) english quite well. i (will introduce) you to them when you ( come) here. all this time i (have been trying) hard to master my english and i ( think) i (have made) some progress. i (was not be able) to find the job i (had been looking for). i (have been) to quite a number of cities but so far i (have not  found) anything suitable. my friend peter who (is) german and ( came) here a year ago (has found) at last a job at a german-british company. he ( promised) to help me because he (knows) that i (learnt) german for three years. i ( hope) to hear from you soon.

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