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Ответы на вопрос:

My favourite TV Chanel is DISNEY

My favourite radio is EUROPA PLUS

My favourite book is PAX

My favourite newspaper is KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA (bes ponatyi kak ona pishetsya po Angliski)

My favourite magazine is HORSES

My favourite Internet is Znania. Com.


Or my favourite Internet is Mail. Ru


1i asked my   friend to help me  2 i was asked to help him 3 the teacher gave students a hard exercise  4 students were given   a hard exercise 5 we often discuss important   issues at home  6   (важные вопросы часто нами дома) important issues are often discussed   by us at home  7     he will finish that work tomorrow 8 that work will be finished tomorrow 9 she told us the truth  10 we were told the truth  11 he sometimes forgets to buy a bread  12 why it is often forgotten?   13   he will return the book in time  14 the book will be returned in time 15   they built theese houses two years ago (тут не пассив, так как дома не построены, а их построили)  16 mom doesn't allow them to play outside  17 they are not allowed to play outside   (им не разрешается, чтобы   пассив был)  18 when the letters will be delivered?   19 they will meet us in the train station  20 where we will be met (где мы будем встречены? ) 

Популярно: Английский язык