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Запиши на англійській мові 5 речень в майбутньому часі

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Ответы на вопрос:

I will play tennis tomorrow. Я буду играть в теннис завтра.

She will buy a car this year. Она купит машину в этом году.

He will call you back. Он перезвонит тебе.

It will help you. Это тебе.

They will watch an interesting film at the weekend.

1.we don't like that you stayed there so long .2.i did not expect that they will change their minds. they really wanted to go to the south this summer, yes ? 3. the doctors did not expect the patient so he will get well soon. 4. i would like you to also read this book. 5. i wanted he told the truth. 6. we hoped(expected) that you will keep your promise. 7. i don't want you to protect peter. don't you see that he's wrong ? 8. i don't want this issue was discussed without me. 9. she doesn't want to be laughed at him. 10. we did not expect that the game will be interrupted . : )

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