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Match the halves to make sentences. 1 I've got a stepfather
a his parents didn't want any
more children
2 My aunt is 50 and
b they don't want to get
single because
married at the moment.
3 She's my niece
C my parents got divorced
and I live with my mum.
4 Paul is an only child d my mum got married again.
e she's my sister Elizabeth's
5 I come from a one daughter
parent family because
f he separated from his wife
6 Peter is my cousin's legally last year.
partner, not her
g she never wants to get
husband, because
7 Samuel is divorced

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.can he play chess? how does he play chess.has he got any hobbies? 2.where are they from? are they foreigners? are they from france?

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