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1.ЗАПОЛНИ ТАБЛИЦУ Наука что изучает ее особенности

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Ответы на вопрос:

o Have you did the shopping?

b Have you done the shopping?

a I've made the dinner.

b I've make the dinner.

3 a We haven't finished yet our dinner.

b We haven't finished our dinner yet.

4 a Have she cleaned her bedroom yet?

b Has she cleaned her bedroom yet?

5 a They've watched two films today.

b They're watched two films today.

3 Read and tick the correct sentence.

1 a Have you did the shopping?

b Have you done the shopping? V

2 a I've made the dinner. V

b I've make the dinner.

3 a We haven't finished yet our dinner.

b We haven't finished our dinner yet. V

4 a Have she cleaned her bedroom yet?

b Has she cleaned her bedroom yet? V

5 a They've watched two films today. V

b They're watched two films today.

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