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2.32 Read the text. Add sentences a-e to the paragraphs. There is one sentence that
you do not need. Then listen and check.
a Maybe he'll change the number to 12%!
b So a building whose top floor is 50 may only
have 36 floors.
c In 2016 a lot of children will be eight years
old in China!
d Seven is a lucky number in most cultures.
e Eight is also a popular number in phone
numbers, addresses and PIN numbers.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Такого выражения в языке нет.есть to bring one's heart into one's mouth-перепугать кого-либо до смерти. если  только в какой-то сказке или фантазии кто-то реально вложил своё сердце в чьи-то зубы. единственный вариант.

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